Method Statement for Above Ground Drainage Pipes

This method is design to give guidance to those who have the responsibility of performing the specified task Scope. This method statement covers the detailed procedure for installation & inspection of uPVC pipes for above ground drainage services


Installation & Testing of Drainage Pipes & Fittings for Above Ground

Hello friends, today in this article of EduClicker you will learn about Method Statement for Above Ground Drainage Pipes. so, lets start: Construction / MEP teams and Subcontractors are fully responsible for all aspects of Quality and Safety, and QA/QC and HSE teams roles are to provide training, advise, guidance, and to conduct ad hoc Monitoring, Surveillance and random Inspections.

Method Statement for Above Ground Drainage Pipes

1. Materials

  • UPVC Pipe
  • Fittings Such As: 45 Deg elbows, 90 Deg elbows, Sockets, Y-branches, Cleanouts
  • MIR to be used to ensure that materials are matching with the approval.

2. Tools – Equipment – Above Ground Drainage Pipes

  • Hammers
  • Screw Drivers
  • Spirit levels
  • Wire Cutters
  • Hacksaw Frame
  • Sand Paper and Files
  • Measuring Tape
  • Risk Mitigation
  • Steel wires
  • Lubricant

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3. Safety

  • Ensure only trained persons shall operate the power tools.
  • Ensure all concerned personals shall be PPE and all other items as required.
  • Make sure adequate lighting is provided in the working area at night time.
  • Ensure service shaft opening are provided with barricade, tape, safety nets.
  • All other precautionary measures must be in accordance with HSE requirement.
  • Necessary work permit shall be obtained prior to start of any work.

4. Sequence of Works


  1. To outline the quality system to be implemented. It contains a work procedure, which is applicable with the specified works for aboveground drainage.
  2. This method is design to give guidance to those who have the responsibility of performing the specified task Scope. This method statement covers the detailed procedure for installation & inspection of uPVC pipes for above ground drainage services. This procedure defines the Method used to ensure that the installation and inspection of uPVC pipes for above ground drainage services are carried out as per the contract specification and Approved drawing.

5. Definitions – Method Statement for Above Ground Drainage Pipes

  • The Entire drainage system network is connected through to the internal building Manhole, gully traps, vented & connected to the External Drainage system as per city drainage regulations. Basement waste water pumps out by sump pump to pressure breaker chamber & drain into the manhole.
  • Water’s drainage pipes of all toilets are connected to the soil stacks and shall be connected direct to the manholes at Ground Floor.
  • Kitchen, dish washer and washing machine, discharge are connected to waste stack and shall be connected to gully trap before Manhole. Apartment shower, bathtub & lavatory sink pipe shall be discharged to Grey Water Tank.
  • All wet areas shall be provided with floor drains and gratings with covers, as per approved material submittal and shop drawings.
  • Catch basin and grating outlets in u/g shall be connected to waste water line then sump pits in basement and then pumped out to the drainage manholes.
  • Drainage stacks running with standards slope to maintain flow of drainage water from 1st point to last point in either sump pit or FIC Manhole.
  • Supports will be installed for drainage pipes as per project specification and engineer observation as required to keep piping in neat work man ship manner.
  • Level of pipes and drainage fixture as per latest approved shop drawing to last manhole.
  • Services will be installed based on latest approved layout and shop drawing and coordination to achieve desired routes of pipe.
  • Test of drainage stacks will be applied to ensure that the network is no leakage.

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6. Procedure, Sequence

Pre-Installation Check

  • Ensure that all safety requirements are in pace in accordance with project safety plan. All the working crews are safety inducted.
  • On receipt of the material at site QA/QC Engineer site Engineer shall inspect the material internally and inspection shall be offered to the Engineer for Approval in MIR (Material Inspection Request) form.
  • Ensure all the materials used have passed receiving inspection in accordance with QA procedures and are not damaged or defective. Any nonconforming Materials must be labelled by storekeeper and returned to quarantine area in accordance with procedure. Ensure that all the materials are Stored staked properly in the store as per the manufacture’s storage recommendation.
  • Ensure that all plumbers and helpers are aware of the correct materials handling and installation procedure to ensure best quality of workmanship training shall be provided by site engineers, Supervisor as and when required.
  • All drainage pipes and fittings shall be cleaned by approved cleaning agent before installation.
  • The main contractor to ensure that prior to installation of pipes, all building surfaces to which raceways or brackets are fixed and completed to acceptable tolerance and are in a suitably clean and dry condition. Any unacceptable conditions are to be reported to project manager and installation shall not proceed until corrective action measures have been taken by him.
  • Prior to start the work, plumbing engineer, Supervisor from all execution team shall ensure that the latest approved shop drawings and approved method of statement (hard copy) at installation location.
  • Supervisor shall ensure equipment and correct tools are available for installation-operation and to achieve compliance with contract requirement.
  • Rotate equipment and power tools must having HSE inspected color coding.

7. Installation of uPVC Drainage Pipe Above Ground

Part – A

  • Mark-up of the pipe routing on the soffit of slab shall be carried out as per approved shop drawings.
  • Drill the hole for fixing anchor fasteners and support as per approved material submittal for pipe hangers & support.
  • Install anchor fasteners on the drilled hole. Threaded rod shall be fixed to the anchor fasteners.
  • Pipe support (Rubber lined split clamps) shall be fixed to the hanger rods.
  • Pipes shall be installed with the pipe supports and piping installation shall be completed as per approved shop drawings. Pipes shall be installed to proper slope requirements as specified in the approved shop drawings.
  • Pipes shall be installed and hanged so as to maintain the specified standard slope (Gradient) to ensure unobstructed flow by means of gravity.
  • Fittings joint shall be decided as per the product selection sheet according to the pipe material and size range both push-fit (R/R) & solvent cement shall be used for plastic pipes.

Part – B

  • Cleanouts are provided to enable the maintenance in case of chocking of drainage system at each chance of direction as specified in approved shop drawings.
  • All stacks shall incorporate accessories roding eyes at each floor as per approved shop drawings.
  • All the open ended pipes are plugged during the installation.
  • During the course of the installation of the Pipes & fittings in slab, procedures for working and dressing the installation as recommended shall be employed.
  • Mark-up of the pipe routing on the slab shall be carried out as per approved shop drawing and materials.
  • UPVC Pipes and fitting shall be installed so as to ensure compliance with the requirements of Specified Standards and Regulation.
  • Joints between pipes + fittings shall be made with suitable adhesive.
  • Drill the hole for fixing fittings and support as per approved material submittal for pipe fittings & support.
  • Pipes shall be installed and hanged so as to maintain the specified standard schedule set by the related authority.

Pipe Jointing

  • Above grade pipe joint shall be Push-Fit R/R Type. However, Solvent Cement type may also use in selected areas depending on the installation requirements or accessibility restriction at the installer” discretion.

Push Fit Pipes

  • Carefully make clean, examine/inspect the spigot, rubber sealing ring & the inside of the socket.
  • Make a loop and insert the rubber ring with the thick edge on the inside.
  • Let the ring sit evenly around the groove, pressing the rest of the loop at the end to bring it into position.
  • Lubricate the chamfered end of the pipe a min. distance of ½ of the spigot length.
  • Push pipe into socket up to the insertion mark previously made after making sure that the pipe are aligned both in horizontal and vertical planes.

 Solvent Cement Pipes

  • Solvent cement and cleaner should be stored in a cool and dry place; never dilute the solvent cement with any fluid.
  • Replace lid of the cement container as soon as the cement is applied and observe the instructions on the container body and manufacturer recommendation.
  • Carefully abrade spigot and socket bonding surfaces using sandpaper. After that clean the surfaces with suitable cleaning fluid.
  • Using a clean brush, cement shall be applied consistently in one coat to spigot and socket in longitudinal strokes. If loose fits can still be found, a second coat shall be applied to the spigot end.
  • Immediately and without twisting, spigot shall be inserted into socket until entry mark; and shall be held in position for second’s then excess cement shall be wiped. The condensation pipe to be insulated properly with approves insulation.
  • Curing time shall be as per manufacturer recommendation allowed before testing.

Pipe Identification

  • Clean well and apply color bands to each pipe at once in every room or enclosed area; at intervals not exceeding fifteen meter; at every junction at every valve and at each inspection and access position into false ceilings, service shafts, bulkheads etc.
  • Where two more pipes run in parallel, then the color banding for each pipes shall be at the same locations.
  • At intervals as for color banding, colored arrows and wording shall be to the insulation or pipe work to indicate direction of flow, and to indicate the system.

8. Testing – Above Ground Drainage Pipes

Part – A

  • Water test is conducted to ensure and prove the tightness of the joints and ensure there are no leaks in the piping system by hydraulically tested in accordance with BS 8301 standards.
  • The water gravity test can be applied to the system entirely or in sections. All opening in the piping will be tightly closed by special cast iron pipe plugs or by another suitable means and system filled with water to the point of overflow from the highest point. The plugs can be temporally opened to make sure that all air has been vented and water has reached all parts of the system.
  • Gravity drain and private sewers up to and including 30mm diameter should be tested to an internal pressure of 1.5 meter head above the invert of the pipe at the high end of the line not more than 4 meter head at the lower end. Testing should be carried between suitable points of access and through any accessible branch drains. Where the test head of water is in excess of 4 meter at the lowest point of the pipe line under test (Including the minimum test head of 1.5m), the pipe line maybe tested by means of appropriately placed test branches.
  • Fit expanding plugs or bag or stoppers secured to resist the full hydrostatic head at the lower end of the pipe and any branches necessary. Fit similar plug or bag stopper into the top end of the pipe or flexible tube leading from a container connected to the plug bag.

Part – B

  • Fill the water line together with water marking sure that there are no pockets of trapped air.
  • Do the fill the standing pipe or other test apparatus to a height of 1.5 mtr the pipe. Allow pipe line to stand for 2 hours for absorption and topping up as necessary.
  • The water shall be kept in the system or in a portion under test for at least 4 hours before inspection starts.
  • All open end caps shall be protected to avoid any material or debris from entering the pipe.
  • While the system is under pressure, all piping and joints should be carefully inspected. If any leaks in joints or evidence of defective pipes or fittings are revealed, the defective pipe/ fitting should be immediately replaced with the new joints and materials.
  • Then water will be filled again in the system and shall be kept for at least 4 hours before the inspection.
  • Ensure that the Roding eye clean out plugs are accessible for proper maintenance and same shall be coordinated with architects.
  • Upon completion of all the required test water shall be removed and required protection must be placed to avoid any damages.

9. Safety

Implementation of health & safety machines and check shall be done as per contract agreement & the approved safety manual.  The safety office shall carryout the necessary routine inspection

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10. List of Safety Tool Box Talks to be given

  • Helmet
  • Safety Shoes
  • Coveralls
  • Masks
  • Hand Gloves

I hope you like this articles related to Method Statement for Above Ground Drainage Pipes. You may visit to our website for more interesting topic such as Method Statement for Drainage Pipes Installation. method statement for piping installation pdf. underground pipe installation. method statement for drainage works pdf. method of statement for external drainage works. ppr pipe installation method statement. method statement for water supply project. plumbing work method statement free. Method of Statement For Under Ground and Above Ground Piping Installation. Construction Method of Statement for Installation of Above Ground Drainage System. Method Statement For Installation of PVC uPVC Drainage piping.


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