Quality Inspection Procedure – Quality Control


All Quality Inspections shall be carried out as per the Project Specifications, IFC Drawing, International Specifications, and Quality Inspection Procedure.


ISO 9001 Standard Project, Quality Plan Corporate, Quality Manual, Corporate Quality Assurance Manual

Persons Involved

The below-mentioned persons will be involved in Quality Inspection Procedure.

  • PMT    Project Management Team
  • PM       Project Manager
  • CM      Construction Manager
  • SQCT  Site Quality Control Team
  • SQM    Site QA/QC Manager
  • SQE    Site QC Engineer
  • SQI      Site QC inspector
  • SE       Site Engineer
  • SME    Senior Mechanical Engineer
  • SEE     Senior Electrical Engineer
  • DCC    Document Controller
Concretıng Procedure

All concreting works shall be done in accordance with the approved method statement and ITP.

All inspection documentations will be in accordance with the Site Work Quality Inspection Procedure of this procedure.

Concrete inspections shall be monitored and recorded by the responsible Site Engineer on the Concrete Pouring Form and Concrete Pouring Record.

Concrete Pouring Form shall detail all properties of the concrete upon arrival at the site.

PMT shall be invited for each batch could be arriving for concrete pouring works, invitation, and pouring schedule management shall be prepared at least 24 hours.

The Concrete Pouring Record shall summarize all concrete pouring done at the site which details the RFI reference number, locations of the pouring site, grid line, etc.

During the concrete pouring process, responsible Site Engineer shall ensure that there are enough supply of concrete, manpower, tools, equipment’s & supervisors on site.

Site QC Engineer / Inspector or an authorized signatory shall witness the concrete pouring.

The Site QC Engineer or the authorized signatory shall approve the concrete pouring if;

  • On-site tests conform to specification:
  • Concrete delivered is as per specification
  • Slump & Temperature of concrete are within the criteria
  • Concrete is placed and vibrated in accordance with good working practices, method statements and laid down

Concrete batches delivered to the site with deviation to the Employer/ the Concrete Pouring Form. PMT specifications shall be rejected and recorded as “rejected” on.

The concrete pouring shall be secured and ensured to be recorded on the Concrete Pouring Record & Concrete Pouring Form to maintain traceability.

The curing of concrete shall be monitored in accordance with the specification and approved method statements.

Approved concrete pouring records and concrete pouring items shall be maintained in the Site QC Engineer’s Office.

The testing of concrete samples shall be in accordance with the Material Testing Program.

Once pouring is finished without any comments all parties shall sign the RFI for approval the activity works.

Any deviation recorded against the concrete supplier shall be forwarded by the Site QC Engineer to the Site QA/QC Manager for his action and to manage the solution and supplier awareness. (Quality Inspection Procedure)

Quality records shall be kept in accordance with the Control of Quality Records Procedure.

Materıal Testıng
  • Procedure for In-House Testing

The Site QA/QC Manager, in coordination with the Senior Mechanical Engineers and Senior Electrical Engineer, Construction Manager, Site QC Engineer, and PMT shall produce a Material Testing Program for the project in accordance with the required project specification and/or as per approved standard.

The Site QA/QC Manager shall ensure implementation and monitor the Material Testing Program.

The PMT shall be invited to witness the testing.

Tests shall be conducted, monitored, and witnessed by the Authorized Signatories and the PMT in accordance with laid down procedures.

If the test results meet the acceptance criteria, the results shall be approved by the Authorized Signatory.

If the test results are Non-Conforming, the authorized signatory Shall not sign the results and immediately inform the Site QC Engineer who shall raise a Non-Conformance Report as per the Handling of Non-Conformance Procedure. Reports shall be documented and maintained in the Site QA/QC Manager’s Office.

The Site QA/QC Manager shall be responsible for ensuring all tests are carried out according to the Material Testing Program and approved procedures.

Project Manager shall be informed in all Testing Results.

All testing equipment shall be calibrated in accordance with the Site Calibration Procedure.

  • Procedure for External Testing     

The 3rd party testing laboratories shall be approved by the Employer / PMT.

The Site QA/QC Manager in coordination with the Senior Mechanical Engineers and Senior Electrical Engineer, Construction Manager and Site QC Engineer shall produce a Material Testing Program for the project in accordance with the required project specification and/or as per approved standard. (Quality Inspection Procedure)

The Site QA/QC Manager shall ensure implementation and monitor the Material Testing Program.

The PMT shall be invited to witness the testing.

Tests shall be conducted, monitored, and witnessed by the Contractor Site QC Engineer and PMT (if applicable) in accordance with laid down procedures.

If the test results meet the acceptance criteria, the results shall be approved and signed by the Site QC Engineer.

 If the test results are Non-Conforming, the Site QC Engineer Shall not sign the results and shall raise a Non-Conformance Report as per the Handling of Non-Conformance Procedure. Reports shall be documented and maintained in the Site QA/QC Manager‘s Site Office.

The Site QA/QC Manager shall be responsible for ensuring all tests are carried out according to the Material Testing Program and approved procedures.

Contractor Project Manager shall be informed in all Testing Results.

All testing equipment shall be calibrated in accordance with the Site Calibration Procedure.

Copies of the approved testing records shall be provided to the PMT for their records.

Quality records shall be kept in accordance with the Control of Quality Records Procedure.

Sıte Works Inspectıon

All site inspections shall be done by the Site QC Engineer and Site QC Inspector only, or as stated by the authorized signatory list.

After completion of work activities, a site engineer, with the coordination of the Document Controller (DCC) for proper documentation, shall prepare and raise an Inspection Request using the RFI Form.

The Document Controller (DCC) should ensure that the RFI form contains all necessary details needed to be inspected for the finished work activity. Information in the RFI form should include, but will not be limited to the following items:

  • What the inspection is for
  • The discipline of inspection
  • The inspection reference number
  • The date and time of inspection
  • Whether the inspection is a hold point or not
  • The Inspection & Test Plan and Method Statement

Upon completion of the RFI form, the DCC shall submit the RFI form to the Site Engineer for initial checking and approval.

The Site Engineer shall check and verify all details indicated in the RFI form and attach the following documents, as a minimum, to the RFI:

  • Approved Shop Drawing
  • Approved Material Submittal (if applicable)
  • Checklist (If applicable)

Upon approval of the Site Engineer, the completed RFI form shall be forwarded to Site QA/QC Manager. The QA/QC Manager shall ensure the completeness of the information written in the RFI for the final checking of documentation requirements.

If the RFI form is within the satisfaction of the Site QA/QC Manager the Site QC Engineer / Inspector and Site Engineer shall conduct joint inspection at the site specified in the RFI. (Quality Inspection Procedure)

Quality Inspection Procedure

In case of any disparity to documentations or site conditions, the Site QC Engineer / Inspector shall not sign the RFI and ask the Site Engineer to resolve this issue. Another inspection shall be conducted until all discrepancies are clearly rectified.

If both Site QC Engineer / Inspector and Site Engineer are satisfied with the site conditions, the Site QC Engineer shall sign the RFI and forward the accomplished RFI Form to the PMT 24 hours before the actual final inspection and at least 48 Hrs before the start date of weekend or public holidays. (Quality Inspection Procedure)

The Site Engineer, Site QC Engineer / Inspector, and the PMT shall conduct the final inspection and the PMT who shall approve the RFI form if found satisfactory to all project specifications.

If, in the case, that the inspection was found unsatisfactory, the Site QC Engineer / Inspector shall acquire all the comments mentioned/itemized by the PMT and record them to the RFI form.

The QC Engineer/Inspector, together with the help of the site engineer, shall devise the necessary correction based on the PMT’s comments.

Upon completion of the corrections, a new Request for Inspection shall be prepared. The RFI will be prepared with the same reference number but with the revision status raised to the next level.

Records of all approved inspections shall be maintained in the Site Quality Office.

Quality records shall be kept in accordance with the Control of Quality Records Procedure.

Completıon Inspectıon

The Site Engineer shall raise Inspection Request using the RFI Form in accordance with the Site Works Inspection process of Quality Inspection Procedure, detailing all required information and attachments.

The Site QC Engineer / Inspector shall review the RFI Form.

The QA/QC Manager shall address the appropriate QC Personnel to carry out the inspection. If all details and attachments are complete, the Site QC Engineer shall approve the commencement of the Completion Inspection. Otherwise, it shall be returned to the Site Engineer and discuss the requirements.

Execution of Completion Inspections activity shall be approved by the Project Manager and the Site QA/QC Manager who is fully aware of the quality standards required.

The PMT shall be invited to attend the Completion Inspection 24 Hours before the Inspection Time.

The responsible Senior Engineer, Site QA/QC Manager / Engineer, and Site Engineer shall accompany the Construction Manager and Employer / PMT on the Completion Inspections.

If no comments or issues were found, the RFI will be signed by all appropriate engineers including the Employer / PMT for approval.

In case of any findings or comments found during the inspection, the Site QC Engineer shall raise all the issues through the Snag List Form.

All items that require rework or rectification shall be itemized and detailed on the Snag List Form. The Employer / PMT shall approve the snag list prior to the distribution to the concerned engineer.

The Snag List shall be provided to the responsible Site Engineer and he shall sign the Snag List Form indicating acceptance and understanding of documented rework instructions.

The responsible Site Engineer shall execute all works detailed on the Snag List Form.

On completion of the rework items, the Project Manager shall re-inspect the works if:

  • All works have been completed in accordance with the
  • All in-process inspections have been completed and approved in accordance with laid down
  • All comments detailed in Snag List Form have been rectified and considered to be acceptable

The responsible Site Engineer shall resubmit a new RFI Form, in accordance with the Site Works Inspection process of Quality Inspection Procedure, along with the previous RFI Form and completed the Snag List Form as its attachments.

The responsible Senior Engineer, Site QC Engineer / Inspector, and Site Engineer shall then again accompany the Construction Manager and Employer/ PMT on the Completion Re-Inspections.

On approval of the Completion Inspection, the RFI Records complete with all the attachments shall be filed in the Quality Site office.

After approval, the Project Manager shall arrange for adequate temporary protections for the previously inspected and accepted sections of work.

Quality records shall be kept in accordance with the Control of Quality Records Procedure.


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