What is the Document Control Procedure – Guideline

In establishing and maintaining procedures to control documents and data of relevance to the Quality System, these document control procedures will ensure. That the relevant documents are available at the locations at which they are needed.


DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURE: In establishing and maintaining procedures to control documents and data of relevance to the Quality System, these document control procedures will ensure. That the relevant documents are available at the locations at which they are needed.

That the obsolete documents are removed from the system and replaced with the new versions to avoid inadvertent use. These may be kept for reference but must be suitably marked as “SUPERSEDED”.

Persons Involved

  • QDM Corporate Quality Manager
  • PM Project Manager
  • CM Construction Manager
  • SQM Site QA/QC manager
  • SQE Site Quality Engineer
  • SME Senior Mechanical Engineer
  • SEE Senior Electrical Engineer
  • DCC    Document Controller

Process Flow – Operation of Project Quality System

The Corporate Quality Department shall develop and provide the Project Quality Plan that fits the Project’s Requirements and Specifications.

 The generated Project Quality Plan shall be transmitted to the Project Site for review of the Site QA/QC Manager and for implementation. (Document Control Procedure)

 Whereas requested by the Employer/PMT, the Site QA/QC Manager in accordance with the Project Quality Plan may entertain and employ the Employer/PMT’s procedures or forms. Where this applies, the Site QA/QC Manager shall raise a New Document / Document Change Proposal for the Employer procedures or forms to the Corporate Management Representative.

Approved Employer procedures or forms shall be part of the Project Quality Plan and copies shall be maintained by the QA/QC Manager. All superseded Forms / Documents shall be removed from the Project Quality Plan and other related procedures.

The Site QA/QC Manager shall maintain the latest and approved copies of the following documents:

Following Documents
  • Project Quality Plan.
  • Quality Procedures including All Approved Forms.
  • Method Statements and Inspection & Test Plans.
  • Shop Drawings.
  • External Documents.
  • Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual from the supplied plant & equipment’s including Spare Parts.
  • Supplier documents relating to warranties of the supplied equipment’s.
  • Data Sheet of the supplied material.
  • All Sub-Contractors Quality Documents. (Document Control Procedure)

Where a revision or improvement to the procedures and/or forms of the Project Quality Plan is required, the Site QA/QC Manager should initiate to prepare a draft of the amendments. All drafts for the amendment on the Project Quality Plan (PQP) shall be reviewed thoroughly by the Site QA/QC Manager in coordination with the Project Manager.

If the draft has been finalized, the draft of the amended procedure and/or forms, along with the filled Document Change Form shall be submitted to the Corporate Quality Department Manager for review, prior to the review and approval of the Corporate Management Representative.


Document Controlling

 Documents to be controlled include but not limited to:

  • Project Quality Plan (PQP)
  • Quality Procedures
  • Method Statements
  • Inspection & Test Plans
  • Drawings (whether internally or externally produced)


All Quality Documents that will be distributed to the site shall be controlled by the Document Controller (Document Control Procedure) in coordination and supervision to the Site QA/QC Manager who will ensure:

  • Distributed documents have received the copy, signed by the recipient.
  • All distribution copies are maintained in the Site Quality office.
  • Once a new revision has been issued, the obsolete document shall be retrieved from its use and marked as “superseded” or “obsolete”.


Technical Submittal

Contractor personnel shall review, prepare, and complete all necessary requirements for submittal to be forwarded to the PMT whether for Approval, Information, and/or Coordination.

All document that has been prepared for submission to the Employer/PMT, whether for approval or information, shall be reviewed by the DCC.

If the DCC notices any inaccuracy, he shall return the documents to the responsible Contractor personnel for correction. (Document Control Procedure)

The DCC shall ensure that the following information shall be provided and incorporated in all submittal forms;

Project Number



Submittal Number

Site Name

Date and time

Building Name

Employer /PMT addressed to

Site Number

Submittal originator

Building Number

Signatures of originator

Engineer to be addressed with


Type of Submittal

Identify enclosure

Purpose of Submittal (Approval, Information, Coordination)

The DCC shall also ensure that the attachments of the submittal contain the appropriate details, and has been filled accurately for easy tracking and identification of the document. Such details are, but not limited to:

  • Project Code
  • Document Type
  • Site Number
  • Building Number
  • Discipline
  • Current Year
  • Sequence Number
  • Revision Number
  • Supplier Code enclosed in ( ), if necessary
  • Specification Index, if necessary

 Once completed, the DCC shall scan the submittal along with the corresponding attachments and upload the scanned copies in a sophisticated Management Software with multi-user function, Primavera Contract Management (PCM) or any other applicable software (decided by Project Manager and in coordination with top management). This software shall be used to centralize the way of storing, organizing, and tracking project information to ensure accurate and up-to-date information is always accessible.

Whilst uploading the scanned documents in the PCM, the DCC shall also prepare the Hard Copies which will be forwarded to the Employer/PMT (if needed).

If the PMT rejects the submittal, the PMT DCC will communicate with Contractor DCC to resolve the issue. (Document Control Procedure)

 If closure of issue involves other Departments and/or Contractor Engineers, the DCC shall relay the concerns accordingly. Once rectified, the DCC shall collect the documents and upload them to the PCM.

All responses coming from the Employer/PMT on the document submittals (such as receiving and/or approvals status) shall be monitored, retained, and maintained by DCC. Copies of these responses shall be directly communicated and forwarded to the appropriate personnel.

Complete access to Primavera Contract Manager (PCM) shall be given to PMT without restriction.



 Drawing Control shall be monitored and maintained by the DCC, who will be closely monitored by the Site QA/QC Manager.

Drawing Distribution – On receipt of all Approved Shop Drawings, the DCC shall date-stamp the drawings and enter the following details into the Shop Drawing Register.

Discipline, Drawing Number, Drawing Title, Revision Date, Revision Status, Date Received, Drawing Status.

The DCC shall sign the Shop Drawing Register indicating receipt of the drawings.

One Master Set of Drawings to the latest issue shall be maintained in the DCC site office and marked as ‘MASTER SET’. Drawings from the Master Set shall not be removed from the DCC site office and shall be available anytime for comparison and verification.

DCC shall identify the drawing status whether it was the first issue or a revision of current drawings. (Document Control Procedure)

DCC shall distribute the Approved Shop Drawings to the PMT DCC, Construction Manager, and appropriate Senior Engineers.

Whereas a received drawing was a revised edition, the DCC shall administer the Obsolete Drawing Retrieval process.

The DCC shall ensure that the recipient of drawings (Construction Manager and appropriate Senior Engineers) signs the Shop Drawing Distribution List.

Site QA/QC Manager shall be the last signatory of the Shop Drawing Distribution List to acknowledge the drawing distribution and ensure that all recipients have signed.

DCC shall provide a copy of the signed Shop Drawing Distribution List to the Site Quality Office for quality documentations.

The Site QA/QC Manager to maintain a record of the site personnel who received copies of the Approved Shop Drawings.

The DCC shall also maintain a log of all approved As-Built drawings and the equivalent approved Shop Drawings for reference. The DCC shall upload all approved Shop and As-Built Drawings in PCM. (Document Control Procedure)

All approved Shop Drawings and As-Built Drawings shall be readily available upon request of the Employer/PMT, Auditor, and Quality Department Engineers either for review or verification at any given period.

Quality records shall be kept in accordance with the Control of Quality Records Procedure of Project Quality Plan.


Any Contractor Site Engineer (Requestor) may request re-issuance of drawings provided it was duly approved and signed by the Construction Manager or Senior Engineer of the respected discipline.

The requestor shall fill in all the necessary details required in the Drawing Re-issuance Request Form. The Requestor shall make sure that the following information is detailed in the form.

  • Project
  • Location
  • Date of request
  • Drawing Number
  • Drawing Description
  • Revision Number
  • Discipline
  • Number of copies
  • Reason of request

After completing the form, the Requestor shall put his name, date of request, and signature in the form. The Requestor shall seek approval from the Construction Manager/Senior Engineer of the respected discipline.

If the Construction Manager/Senior Engineer rejects the request, the Construction Manager/Senior Engineer shall detail the reason in the remarks allotted on the form.

Read also: What is the Project Quality Plan?

Internal communication between Construction Manager and/or Senior Engineers shall be executed and, if necessary, may be raised to the Project Manager to resolve issues. Once resolved, the Requestor shall submit a new Drawing Re-issuance Request.

The Requestor shall give the request to the DCC to issue the drawings. The DCC shall check the contents of the request to ensure that all required information was properly filled.

If the DCC identified any inaccuracy in the request, he shall return the document to the requestor and discuss the modification required. (Document Control Procedure)

After the request has been checked, the DCC shall incorporate a sequentially unique reference number in the Drawing Re-issuance Request Form.

The DCC shall record all the details of the request in the Drawing Re-issue log including its sequentially unique reference number.

The DCC shall provide the drawings to the requestor as stated in the request. No drawing shall further be provided beyond what was written in the request.

The Requestor shall sign on the Document Re-Issue Log to indicate acceptance of the drawing from the DCC.

The DCC shall monitor and maintain the Drawing Re-Issue Request and Log. Copies of Drawing Re-Issue Log shall be provided by the DCC to the Site Quality Team on a regular basis.

Quality records shall be kept in accordance with the Control of Quality Records Procedure of Project Quality Plan.


  • The DCC, in coordination with the Site Quality Team, shall ensure that old, superseded, canceled, and obsolete drawings are retrieved from all site personnel which was initially issued to. Obsolete Drawings shall be collected and stamped “Cancelled” or “Superseded”.
  • Obsolete drawing retrieval shall be performed when a new revision of drawings has been issued to the project site. The DCC, in coordination with the Site QA/QC Manager, shall closely monitor this
  • The site management shall provide a storage area for all old, superseded, canceled, and obsolete drawings. Such an area shall be secured and only the DCC shall have an access to manage all these.

Read also: What is the Quality Management System (QMS)?

  • Whenever a batch of revised drawings has been distributed at project sites, DCC shall immediately inform the Project Manager, Construction Manager, and Senior engineers.
  • The DCC shall distribute the latest drawings as per the Drawing Distribution process. In addition, the Contractor DCC will retrieve the old, superseded, canceled, and obsolete copy of the drawings from the appropriate person.
  • The Site Engineer shall hand-over the copy of old, superseded, canceled, and obsolete drawings to the DCC. (Document Control Procedure)
  • The DCC shall manage all the retrieved old, superseded, canceled, and obsolete copies of drawings to prevent inadvertent use.


  1. Hi, it is very much informative.
    Requesting if you have the following procedures along with forms and formats.
    1. Mobilization and Demobilization procedure
    2. Management Responsibility
    3. Procurement control
    4. Resource Management
    5. Product Realization
    Also if you have different method statements

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