What is the project quality plan?


The purpose of the Project Quality Plan is to describe and set out the policies, procedures & practices of Contractor to maintain an effective Quality Management System for execution of the Project. It is a management tool to instruct and guide employees whose actions affect the quality, and to inform the Company what controls is implemented, to assure construction quality. This plan outlines how Quality will be achieved, controlled, assured, demonstrated and managed in accordance to the Company requirements and ISO 9001 requirements. This Plan is applicable to all phases within the remit of the project namely, detailed design, construction, testing and commissioning. The intention is to ensure that:


  • All phases of the project are executed in accordance with the required standards and regulatory requirements.
  • The end product meets all applicable standards and regulatory requirements.
  • Customer satisfaction is achieved through effective application of QMS and a system of continual improvement.

Scope – Quality

The project based Quality Management System that shall be implemented in the project, the project will be identified, formulated and managed as described below and contains the following documents:

  • Project Quality Plan
  • Quality Procedures
  • Method Statements
  • Inspection & Test Plans
  • Contract Documents
  • Appropriate Drawings
  • Project Specifications
  • Standard Forms & Checklists
  • Documents of External Origin (e.g. Installation & Operation Manual from the subcontractors/suppliers, Subcontractors’ Quality Documents, Standards, etc.)

Above documents shall be submitted to the PMT (Project Management Team) for approval, as appropriate, prior to utilization and implementation at site. Other documents such as Method Statements, Inspection & Test Plans, and Checklists will be provided separately as the project proceeds and documents are developed. All documents of External Origin such as Suppliers / Subcontractor’s Quality Documents shall be furnished as the work evolves.

The Project Quality Plan sets out the structure and the content of the project quality system, linking the policy and objectives with project elements and procedures including the contract requirements. The Plan sets out the Project’s organization, responsibilities and authorities.


As per the contract, the scope of the Project includes (but not limited to) detailed design, Geo technical investigation, execution, construction works, integration, testing, pre-commissioning, start-up, commissioning and completion of all activities of the project. It also includes provision of all materials, equipment’s, machinery, labors, supervision, tools, technical support, etc. to carry out the design and execute the construction.

Project Quality Plan

The Project Quality Plan shall be applied in all activities at site, as specified at the contract. Such activities are listed, but not limited to, as follows:

  • Surveying Works
  • Site Preparation Works
  • Site Rough Grading
  • Site Clearance and Leveling
  • Civil and Structural Works
  • Architectural Finishing Works
  • Electrical Works
  • Mechanical Works
  • Plumbing Works
  • Sanitary Sewage Network System
  • Drainage Works
  • Potable/Fire Water Network System
  • Irrigation Network System
  • Storm Water System
  • Road System and walkways
  • Installation of Fire Fighting Systems
  • Installation of HVAC Systems
  • External Site Coordination
  • Preliminary Testing
  • All works outside buildings including irrigation works, landscaping, gardens, green areas, wall ways, roads, sidewalks, etc.


Normative References

ISO References:

  • ISO 9000:2005 – Quality Management Systems – Fundamentals & Vocabulary
  • ISO 9001:2008 – Quality Management System-Requirements
  • ISO 10005:2005 – QMS-Guidelines for Quality Plans
  • ISO 19011:2011 – Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems

 Other Documents:

  • Engineering & Project Management
  • Project Execution Instruction
  • Contract Document
  • General Information
  • General Specifications,
  • Quality Control

Terms & Definitions



Audit A process of collecting objective evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of the Quality Management System
Auditor Personnel duly authorized by the management to perform Audits
Client Owner
Contract A binding agreement between Main Contractor and the Customer/Company to perform a specific work.
Contractor The Main Contractor
Corrective Action An action done after identification of the root cause of the problem to properly correct and avoid future recurrence. Action taken to eliminate the causes of an existing non- conformity, defect or other undesirable situation in order to prevent recurrence
Employer The Consultant
Gap Analysis A strategic analysis to reveal areas that can be improved. It evaluates the actual performance against the potential or desired performance.
Hold Point Inspection or Test may not proceed without the QA/QC organization representative in attendance.
Inspection A process to verify compliance to any approved document by the Employer, PMT or Contractor.
Inspection & Test Plans An approved document containing a guide on the proper checking and inspection of a specified activity and corresponding action at each point of inspection.
Inspection Assignment Package A set of documents that include details of purchased material/equipment and their quality requirements needed to perform full inspection at the vendor/sub-vendor facility.
Internal Audit An act of the company to verify whether the various quality system elements set by the organization are effective and suitable in achieving stated quality objectives
ISO 9001 International Organization for Standardization concentrated setting standards for the Quality Management System
Management Review Meeting A formal examination of a project and its status, successes, problems encountered, etc., compared with set Quality Management System Requirements.
Master Set of Drawings  The latest approved shop drawing.
Method Statements An approved document discussing the step-by-step procedure in the proper execution of works, starting from the initial approved materials, execution and completion procedure.
Pre-commissioning Testing of system components for continuity, operability and in the case of the process plants, their ability to withstand operating pressure prior to the introduction of feedstock or other final products into the facility.
Preventive Action Action taken to eliminate the causes of a potential non- conformity, defect or other undesirable situation in order to prevent occurrence
 Project Quality Plan Document specifying which processes, procedures and associated resources will be applied by whom and when, to meet the requirements of the Project.
Quality Assurance The means of providing confidence that quality requirements will be met
Quality Control Mechanisms used, such as checks or tests, that are performed to ensure that requirements are met
Quality Management System Management System to direct and control the Organization with regard to Quality.
Quality System Organizational structure, procedures, processes and resources needed to implement quality management. [ISO 9000]
Quarantine Area A designated area for damaged, out of standard and rejected materials.
Recurrence Repetition of certain incidents or events.
PMT Project Management Team / The party authorized to act on behalf of the Employer
Shall Expresses a provision that is binding between two or more parties.
Should Expresses a recommendation among other possibilities
Subcontractors A Party to provide services and/or perform part of the contract package under the responsibility of Main Contractor
Type Test Test or series of tests directed towards approval of a design conducted to determine that is capable of meeting the requirements of the product specifications.
Witness Point It defines a point that provides QA/QC organization with the opportunity to attend the Inspection or Test, at their option.
Will Expresses a declaration of purpose or intent by one party.

Project Plan




CPR Corrective / Preventive Action Request
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITP Inspection and Test Plan
MIR Material Inspection Request
MS Method Statement
NCR Non-Conformance Report
PCM Project Contracts Management – Primavera
PQP Project Quality Plan
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
QMS Quality Management System
RFI Request for Inspection
SSR Site Surveillance Report
TC Technical Clarification
WI Work Instruction


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