When you fall in love? – Advocate Mushtaque Ali

The mind finds itself some excuse or support for complications, I am very eccentric or I am inferior. To call oneself weak, unworthy, and worthless is to be stuck in these specialties.


When you fall in love with someone?

When you fall in love: It is you, your existence is love, that is why when you become loving, then the feeling of “I” does not exist. Look at it like this, when you love someone, what do you call it? You are my life, you are dear to me, you are a part of me, you are my life, how much do you talk like that. In all these statements, the existence of “I” has disappeared, when the ego dissolves, all the sorrows and pain of life also go with it. Because the sorrows of life are pain only due to ego, which goes to (you and me).

Love and Ego

What is ego? the only separation, you are different but ever feel that sitting in a group. you consider yourself a part of the whole group, that I am in everything and everything and “I” is nothing, not a separate entity in it. This seems to be the loveless ego “I” of love. This is Buddhism. There are two reasons for enlightenment. The first step is “I am also something”, I want nothing to be special in this thing. Most people and even the so-called guru are subordinated to this particular thing have been. (When you fall in love).

When you fall in love
Let Mushtaque Ali (Advocate)
Author of this article

If they do not get the proper title of honor, then this is the only thing that makes them obsolete. Even in life, they have conquered many things, but lose in front of the fascination of the chair. What difference does it make, I couch But I am sitting or on the floor, I am not.

Love is love

The mind finds itself some excuse or support for complications, I am very eccentric or I am inferior. To call oneself weak, unworthy, and worthless is to be stuck in these specialties. It is also to strengthen our ego, the real thing is to get out of the wall of ego to say, “I am nothing”, the first step is “I am nothing” from “I am something”. In the second stage, “I am nothing”, I am everyone and all are mine. As soon as the alienation falls, just love will start pouring out of love, understand that this is love.

The Loneliness of your Ego

Meditation is the only remedy that brings you out of the loneliness of your ego and brings you into the familiarity and love of all that you see, the one you see, the one who looks in your eyes, does not look different from your eyes. Now I am not alone, everyone belongs to me, I am part of them, and I am everyone. (When you fall in love)

Love: Jesus also announces this feeling. When they say that the path to the house of God passes through me. All the intellectuals of the world, Mahatmabuddha, Jesus Krishna have all said this. Krishna explains Arjun three times in different addresses. (When you fall in love) First, you say that you surrender yourself to God (the first man), who is in the heart of everyone, and the second time you say, surrender yourself to me (medium man). And for the third time you say, surrender to the divinity which is in the depths of your soul (the best man) and be free from the illusion of yours.

Thank you for reading this article related to “When you fall in love”, which is written by Advocate Mushtaque Ali.

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