How Many Subjects are there in UPSC?

In this post have told you about how many subjects are there in UPSC. You have been given information about which subject questions are asked in the upsc exam.


How many subjects are there in UPSC – What are the subjects in UPSC?

UPSC exam One of the toughest exam in our country. It is only through UPSC exam that you get a job in the highest administrative service of our country. You become an IAS officer through UPSC Exam. Today any student who wants to go to administrative service. Those people prepare for UPSC Exam. Through the civil service exam of upsc, you get a chance to work as an IAS officer.

How Many Subjects are there in UPSC


Lakhs of children prepare for the UPSC exam, but only 1000 of them can become IAS officers. With this you can get an idea of ​​how difficult this exam is. Students who work hard day and night for this exam. At the same time, students are able to succeed in this UPSC exam.

The only way to be successful is to put your hard work in the right direction and to work hard in the right direction it is most important that you gather the information about the exam.

To prepare for an exam, first of all, which subject questions are asked in that exam. Get information about it.

Today in this article you read:

  • How many subjects are there in upsc. I will tell about it.
  • This information is very important for you to prepare for the upsc exam.
  • From which topics questions will be asked in the upsc exam
  • How many papers are there in upsc exam.
  • How much time do you get for upsc exam paper?


Friends, UPSC Exam is conducted in three phases. The first stage and second stage examination are written.

Read Also: How to Become an IAS Officer in India?

The last most difficult stage is the interview. This is the most difficult stage, you have to work very hard to pass this stage.

UPSC Prelims (Preliminary Exam)

Friends, this is the first stage of UPSC exam. This exam is called preliminary exam.

Question papers asked in UPSC Prelims. Both the question papers are compulsory. This exam is of total 400 marks. From now on, questions of 200 marks are asked from each question paper.

In the first question paper, you are asked questions from subjects like Current Affairs, Political Science, General Science, History, Geography.

In the second question paper, you are asked questions like math’s reasoning. This question paper is also called CSET.

UPSC Mains (Mains Exam)

Friends, students who are successful in the first stage exam. They are only called for the second stage examination. A total of 9 question papers are asked in the second stage exam.

In which two question papers are only qualifying. That is, you need to get pass marks in it.

The remaining 7 question papers, two question papers are optional. In both these papers, you can give exam on any one subject.

In this, four question papers are asked from the subject like General Studies. And one question paper is of essay.

How many subjects are there in UPSC – What are the subjects in UPSC?

Friends, now I will tell you in detail about every subject asked in the question papers of UPSC exam.

Most of the questions of students preparing for UPSC exam are that how many subjects are there in UPSC exam.

The subjects in the UPSC exam are divided into two parts.

  • Compulsory Subject
  • Optional Subject

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Compulsory Subject In UPSC

Now we will know the list of Compulsory Subject and also know the list of Optional Subject and read about them in detail.

UPSC Compulsory Subject List

  • General Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • Technology
  • Economics
  • Sociology
  • Politics
  • Reasoning
  1. Essay

Friends, in the essay topic, you have to write an essay on current affairs, on political events going on in the present times, on social events and on topics like general knowledge.

For the preparation of this subject, you have to read the newspaper daily and for your writing skill, you must write articles on some event every day.

  1. History of India and History of the World

In this topic, you are asked questions from the history of India, the history of India is divided into several stages.

Indian history is divided into Ancient History, Medieval History and Modern India. To complete Indian history, you have to read these three books.

From you to India’s first civilization and which king has ruled in India and in which period India has developed more. Questions are asked from all these. History is one of the toughest topics of UPSC EXAM.

In world history, questions are asked from all the major events of the world, such as the First World War, the Second World War, which country was ruled by other countries for how many years, when which country became independent, questions are asked.

  1. Indian Geography and World Geography

Friends, Indian Geography and World Geography, one of the most important topics of UPSC exam, you are asked questions from Geography of India and Geography of India.

How many rivers are there in India, which river passes through which state? Questions are asked about the rain forests of India. Questions are asked from the weather of India.

The same questions are asked to you in world geography too, the weather of the world, the rainforests of the world and other types of questions are asked.

To prepare for this topic, you can read the book of Indian Geography and World Geography by Majid Hussain.

  1. Indian Polity, Indian Constitution, Social Justice, International Law and International Relations

Friends, there is a lot of work to be done in the administrative service of the Indian constitution and social justice.

That is why in this exam you are also asked questions from the subject of Indian Politics, Indian Constitution, Social Justice, International Law and International Relations. In this you have to study foreign and international affairs of India.

In this subject one has to study the constitution and law of our country so that you can have a good knowledge of the constitution and law of our country and you can follow these rules in your administrative service in a good way.

  1. Economic Development, Biodiversity, Security Disaster Management, Technology

In these topics, you are asked questions from important topics like economic development of our country.

In this, you are asked questions from the biodiversity of our country, different types of animals and trees found in our country.

Friends, our country and other types of natural disasters come, in this you are taught about natural disasters and how to avoid these disasters, for that security management is taught.

  1. Ethics and Aptitude

This is also a very important topic. In this your intellectual ability is tested. Mental ability questions are asked in this topic. In this subject you also have to read about basic education.

Friends, it is very important to have ETHICS for any work and it is a very responsible position, that is why it is also very important to have ETHICS in this work. That is why questions are also asked from ETHICS subject in its examination.

Optional Subject in UPSC

You can choose the optional subject according to your own interest. In this, you have to choose the subject of science commerce and arts stream. in which you are very interested.

You can choose Optional Subject, you get a total of 48 Subject options. And you can choose any of these subjects. In which you have a lot of interest in which subject you have a very good hold.

Friends option, you have chosen any one subject, you have to answer the questions of that subject only.

UPSC Optional Subject list

The language has also been kept in the optional subject, in which you have to read about any one regional language.

Optional Subject (Language)

You can choose one of the following languages to take this test.

Gujarati, Manipuri, Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi, Sindhi, Bengali, Kannada, Kashmiri, Telugu, Konkani, Urdu, Tamil, Oriya, Punjabi, Malayalam, English.

Other Optional

Friends, you have the option of optional, you have to choose the subject in which you have completed your degree or in which you have very good knowledge.

For this question paper, you get the option of following subjects, you can give the exam of any of these subjects.

  • Physics
  • Zoology
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Geology
  • Indian History
  • jurisprudence
  • Situational Science
  • Social Science
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Psychology
  • Public Coordination
  • Economics
  • Geography
  • Political Science Interracial Relations
  • Commerce and Accounting
  • Philosophy
  • Medical Science
  • District Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Botany
  • Engineering Subject
  • Agriculture
  • Administrative Science
  • Animal Husbandry and Veterinarian


Friends, in today’s article, we have asked questions from which topics in the toughest examination of our country.

In this article, I have told you about how many subjects are there in UPSC. You have been given information about which subject questions are asked in the upsc exam. I hope that by reading this article, you must have got a good idea about all the topics of UPSC Exam.

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